Wandering GenSan for a #WonderfulMindaNOW
General Santos City which the locals usually call GenSan, is a city in the Southern Philippines. Aside from being marked as the Tuna Capital in the country, GenSan is regardless has a lot to offer. Thus, if there is something fishy going on in GenSan it could be something great. Extraordinary climate, mechanical legacy, and solid commercial ventures are sufficient motivations to warrant a visit here.
In accordance with this, yours truly, the +Pages Flipper is on a mission to be going around General Santos City to discover the life in the now. Wandering around the town is not new to me, yet throwing on what truly are the must try activities, must spots to visit as well as the mouthwatering food to taste is very much a test since everything is worth catching, capturing and offering.
For a couple of days, I'll be extending for a wonderful experience as I'll be looking at a few spots that you ought NOT to miss when in General Santos.
Thusly, I'll be posting everything on my online media portals like Facebook: Pages Flipper, Twitter: @iheartGEM and Instagram: @iheartGEM; to welcome you in this home grown adventure on social media. Will be doing all these exciting activities with the new Globe GoUnli20Plus, you can truly express yourself the way you want it.